So far our Pokedex app only has a single page.
Let's make this more interesting…
Let's make this more interesting…
We want to define distinct pages within our application.
The current page at a given time is defined by the URL of the browser tab.
The URL can contain parameters which are used by a page to show specific data.
React does not provide routing.
The most popular routing library in the React ecosystem is React Router.
createBrowserRouter creates an instance of a router that will be used.
Here we define a route with the path /page1 and tell it to render the Page1 component .
The "page" is just a normal React component.
This route has a parameter carId .
The useParams Hook returns the parameters of the current route as an object.
With the Navigate component, a route can be redirected to another route.
With using the replace prop, no entry will be added to the browser history.
const router = createBrowserRouter([...]);
<RouterProvider router={router} />
{path: '/cars/:carId', element: <Car/>}
<Navigate to="/cars" replace />
<Link to="/cars/42">Go to Car 42</Link>
Think about what to do with the username input and display functionality.
Can we have the input on a Profile page but show the name on all pages?
A NavLink is marked with the specified CSS class/style when its route is active.
Current URL: /cars?filter=Tesla
Returns the location object representing the current URL.
Navigate programmatically
Use instead of BrowserRouter for tests.
We learned…